
Outils Astuces

La lactatémie

La mesure de la concentration d'acide lactique dans le sang durant l'effort est une méthode plus scientifique pour déterminer l'intensité d'entraînement. Au repos, la concentration (l'acide lactique dans le sang est de 1 à 2 mmol par litre. Cette valeur reste stable...

Facteurs influençant la FC en Triathlon

Si vous utilisez un cardiofréquencemétre vous devez tenir compte les différents facteurs pouvant influencer, outre l'intensité de l'entraînement elle-même, la fréquence cardiaque. La température et l'humidité de l'air la fréquence cardiaque au repos ou durant l'effort...

La fréquence cardiaque

L'une des méthodes fréquemment utilisées pour déterminer l'intensité d'entraînement se fonde sur la mesure de la Fréquence cardiaque durant l'effort. Ce paramètre ne donne pas seulement des indications très importantes sur l'intensité de votre entraînement, mais aussi...

Sensations subjectives en Triathlon

Si vous voulez améliorer vos performances, vous devez déterminer avec précision, l'intensité d'entraînement correspondant au type d'entraînement que vous voulez faire. En d'autres termes, si vous souhaitez effectuer une séance d'endurance très extensive à vélo ou en...

La planification de l’entraînement

Planifier l'entraînement pour des triathlétes Il est évident qu'un triathlète ne doit pas s'entraîner de la même manière et avec la même intensité et accorder la même attention aux différentes disciplines tout au long de la saison sportif. Une saison de préparation se...

La planification de l'entraînement

Planifier l'entraînement pour des triathlétes Il est évident qu'un triathlète ne doit pas s'entraîner de la même manière et avec la même intensité et accorder la même attention aux différentes disciplines tout au long de la saison sportif. Une saison de préparation se...

Physiologie de l’entraînement

Les triathlètes ont la réputation de s'entraîner énormé­ment. La plupart d'entre eux se focalisent sur un volume d'entraînement hebdomadaire déterminé qui s'exprime par le nombre de kilomètres et d'heures d'entraînement qu'ils s'imposent dans les trois disciplines....

Physiologie de l'entraînement

Les triathlètes ont la réputation de s'entraîner énormé­ment. La plupart d'entre eux se focalisent sur un volume d'entraînement hebdomadaire déterminé qui s'exprime par le nombre de kilomètres et d'heures d'entraînement qu'ils s'imposent dans les trois disciplines....

Competition analysis swimming

Over the pasl 10 years. the factors that contribute ta swimming successlully at top national and international competitions have been analyzed by leading sports scientists such as Dr Bruce Masan of Ihe Australien Instilule of Sport. Competilion analysis breaks down...

Recovery swimming

Recovery or off-season The main features of this phase are maintaining an active approach with at least three low- to moderate­intensity aerobic swims completed each week, special­ized programs to target weaknesses in individual fit­ness profiles, and dietary control...

Championship season swimming

The championship season is all about competitive per­formance rather than responses to training. Estimates of progression and variability of performance in com­petitions are useful for coaches, swimmers, and re­searchers interested in factors affecting performance...

Tapering swimming

The tapering strategy used by many swimmers to opti­mize competition performance has been defined as "a progressive non-linear reduction of the training load during a variable period of time, in an attempt to reduce the physiological and psychological stress of daily...

Early season swimming

The main features of the early-season phase are a mod­est training volume to start, small 5-10 km increases in volume per week, low initial training intensity, and dry-land conditioning including flexibility, circuits, weight training, and other games and activities,...

Preseason swimming

Preseason training commences from the low base of fitness maintained during the off-season. Swimmers typically start the preseason phase with a single ses­sion per day and gradually increase the number of ses­sions over the first few weeks. A graded increase sees the...

training and testing of competitive swimmers

Two of the most common features of training pro­grams of swimmers competitive are the periodiza­tion of training volume and intensity and  the transition from training to racing. A periodized train­ing and tapering program is based on the principle of...

Training Program for Sprint Triathlon

The Sprint Triathlon plan Program for beginner to intermediate triathletes     Sprint Triathlon Training Plans Sprint plan | Week 01 | Sprint plan | Week 02 | Sprint plan | Week 03 | Sprint plan | Week 04 | Sprint plan | Week 05 | Sprint plan | Week 06 |...

Swimming : – breaststroke leverage drills

Improvements in breaststroke across the board, over the past twenty years, are largely due to rule changes that allow better use of leverage and the elimination of drag. By producing an integrated rocking motion between the head and legs, with the hips as stable as...

Swimming : – breaststroke breathing drills

The forward breathing style of the breaststroke makes the head position a factor in maintaining the forward line of the stroke. In addition, the timing of the breathing is crucial in reducing drag during the power phase of the stroke. Incorrectly timed, the breathing...

Swimming : – breaststroke recovery drills

Breaststroke is the only stroke with a recovery that passes through the water rather than over it, leading to the potential for a great deal of drag. To overcome this drag, the breaststroke recovery must be an active part of the stroke, rather than a resting phase, as...

Swimming : – breaststroke arm stroke drills

In an effort to overcome drag, and increase forward motion, the breaststroke arm stroke has evolved immensely over time. While it has remained a simultaneous stroke, many theories about what the arms do have been developed. The arm stroke has been described as a...

Swimming : – breaststroke kick drills

Unlike other strokes, the kick in the breaststroke produces more forward motion than the arm stroke. It also has a great deal of potential drag. It is a unique kick that uses rounded, lateral and completely splashless leg motion, where the soles of the feet push the...

Swimming : – breaststroke body position drills

Because drag is an inherent part of the breaststroke, achieving excellent body position is essential in maximizing the forward motion of the stroke. Like freestyle and backstroke, the core is the center of power, but in breaststroke, there is no side-to-side roll,...

Swimming : – backstroke coordination drills

Coordinated backstroke unifies the individual actions of the stroke into a seamless effort forward. With each part working together, the backstroke becomes easier, smoother, and more comfortable, as well as more productive. The goal of the following coordination...

Swimming : – backstroke leverage drills

Leverage in the backstroke adds potential power to the stroke, increases the range of motion at the beginning of the stroke, and enables the swimmer to sustain the stroke longer. It is achieved similar to freestyle, through the side to side rolling action of a unified...

Swimming : – backstroke breathing drills

Without your face in the water, it would seem that breathing drills for backstroke are a low priority. The opposite is true. Because rhythmic breathing is an essential part of sustaining any swimming stroke, learning to develop a good breathing rhythm in the...

Swimming : – backstroke recovery drills

The opposition timing of the backstroke makes the arm stroke recovery an active part of the stroke. While resting the muscles of the arm, the recovering arm must serve as a counterbalance to the stroking arm. Accomplishing this requires the recovering arm to be...

Swimming : – backstroke arm stroke drills

Of the many misconceptions about the backstroke arm stroke, the most common is that the arms remain straight throughout the stroke, like a windmill. A straight arm stroke is often associated with shoulder problems. It is also difficult, like trying to lift yourself...

Swimming : – backstroke kick drills

An effective flutter kick is a significant part of an efficient backstroke. Although similar in its alternating motion to the flutter kick of freestyle, there are certain distinctions. Kicking well on the back requires employing leg muscles differently than humans...

Swimming : – backstroke body position drills

  Learning to float well on the back is the first step in being comfortable with the backstroke. Good spinal alignment and core tension not only improve comfort on the back, but can also contribute to an effective backstroke. The goal of the following drills for...

Swimming : – Butterfly coordination drills

A well-coordinated butterfly is a thing of beauty. The swimmer appears to move effortlessly through the water. Truly, a successful butterfly is less a matter of strength, and more a matter of a coordinated sequence of stroke actions. When the body position, dolphin...

Swimming : – Butterfly leverage drills

Leverage makes the butterfly work. Using it is necessary to perpetuate the forward momentum of the stroke for any length of time. While the whole body, from the hands through to the feet works as a lever, high hips are crucial to benefiting from its effects. Leverage...

Swimming : – Butterfly breathing drills

Breathing in the butterfly happens within the line of the stroke, so that the swimmer inhales when the upper body is naturally at its highest point, and finishes when the upper body regains its downhill position. Timed correctly, no independent head action is required...

Swimming : – Butterfly recovery drills

The butterfly uses a simultaneous arm recovery over the surface of the water. It is this characteristic spread wing position that makes the butterfly such a favorite photo opportunity. It is important to use a relaxed recovery, however, variations in flexibility make...

Swimming : – Butterfly arm stroke drills

The path of the butterfly underwater arm stroke is similar to the freestyle arm stroke, only it is done with both arms simultaneously. It is an extremely powerful arm stroke, and for a short distance can rival the freestyle in speed. However, because it is just not as...

Swimming : – Butterfly kick drills

The butterfly uses the dolphin kick, where the legs move up and down simultaneously resembling the action of a dolphin's tail. In fact it is more than a leg motion. It is an entire body motion. It is more accurately called simply the dolphin. Done right it is one of...

Swimming : – Butterfly body position drills

The best butterfliers combine grace and power in what seems like effortless forward motion. The primary point of technique that these butterfliers share is good body position. While the line of the stroke is characterized by a wave or rocking motion, it is a stable,...

Swimming : – Freestyle coordination drills

There are many elements of the stroke technique that make up freestyle work in combination to produce coordinated forward motion. Each element affects another, together contributing to a unified, productive freestyle. The goal of the following coordination drills is...

Swimming : – Freestyle leverage drills

Using leverage gives freestlyers an advantage. Instead of swimming flat, and depending on the small muscles of the arm, swimmers can use the body to roll into and out of each stroke. Doing so accesses more power from the core. By engaging the large muscles of the core...

Swimming : – Freestyle breathing drills

Integrating the act of breathing into the stroke is a challenge. By timing the breath to the natural roll of the stroke, a swimmer can breathe rhythmically while continuing the forward line of the stroke. The goal of the following freestyle breathing drills is to...

Swimming : – Freestyle recovery drills

Although there are many effective styles of freestyle recovery, they all have common aspects of technique. They all release the water. Each balances the stroking arm. All of them use a relaxed hand that is higher than the shoulder. The goal of the following freestyle...

Swimming : – Freestyle arm stroke drills

With the long, sweeping, alternating arm action of the freestyle stroke, humans are capable of producing the most potential speed of all the strokes. To develop an efficient freestyle, the swimmer must be concerned with three things. First, achieving correct alignment...

Swimming : – Freestyle body position drills

An efficient freestyle is built on good body position. The way we float in the water is affected by our core tension. For a better freestyle, we must learn to shift weight forward, and achieve a downhill floating position. The goal of the following drills for body...

Swimming : – Freestyle kick drills

A productive flutter kick is part of a good freestyle. It provides constant momentum, and counterbalance to the arm stroke. Because the legs require a disproportionate amount of energy, developing a relaxed, sustainable kick is important. The goal of the following...

Swimming : – Using drills

WHEN TO USE DRILLS : -Because swimming drills are one of a swimmer's best tools for practicing toward efficient swimming, they should be included in every swim session. They can be done as a part of warm-up to establish a foundation for the rest of the practice. They...

Types of swimming drills

Swimming is a complex sequence of actions. Like driving, playing guitar, or typing, multiple crucial actions are performed at once, or in tight succession. Correct technique is necessary or the result is unsatisfactory. Certain types of drills are very successful for...

Swimming :New platform Is no chip off the old starting block

Olympic swimmers don't just dive into the pool like the rest of us. They start on a block called, appropriately enough, a starting block. London will see the Olympic debut of a track-style starting block with an inclined surface and a lip at the back. The blocks,...

L’entraînement à intervalle intensif

L'entraînement à intervalle intensif en triathlon L'entraînement intervalle intensif est le moyen par excellence d'entraîner le seuil d'endurance anaérobie. Grâce à cette forme d'entraînement, l'organisme apprend à gérer l'acide lactique, de manière à mieux tolérer...

L'entraînement à intervalle intensif

L'entraînement à intervalle intensif en triathlon L'entraînement intervalle intensif est le moyen par excellence d'entraîner le seuil d'endurance anaérobie. Grâce à cette forme d'entraînement, l'organisme apprend à gérer l'acide lactique, de manière à mieux tolérer...

The basics of technique for all strokes and specific training needs

The efficiency of your swimming stroke is the key to success as a competing or training swimmer. An efficient stroke will significantly reduce wasted energy output through less drag in the water and a cleaner execution of hand and arm entry and recovery. Thus that...

Methods to improve swimming speed

The science of swimming is extremely complicated, involving the interaction of propulsive forces from the swimmer’s arms and legs and the drag caused by water. However, by applying new research courtesy of fluid dynamics and supercomputers, every swimmer can swim...

Conseils pour un premier tri-sport triathlon

Recommandations des coachs pour un premier tri-sport triathlon; Bien vérifier son matériel quelques jours avant chaque épreuve ( faites-vous une liste de choses à emporter dans votre sac, Cela vous enlèvera un stress supplémentaire le jour du départ).   ...

Déterminer l’intensité d’entraînement

Si vous voulez améliorer vos performances, vous devez déterminer avec précision, l'intensité d'entraînement correspondant au type d'entraînement que vous voulez faire. En d'autres termes, si vous souhaitez effectuer une séance d'endurance très extensive à vélo ou en...

Déterminer l'intensité d'entraînement

Si vous voulez améliorer vos performances, vous devez déterminer avec précision, l'intensité d'entraînement correspondant au type d'entraînement que vous voulez faire. En d'autres termes, si vous souhaitez effectuer une séance d'endurance très extensive à vélo ou en...

Les virages en natation course

Il y a deux grandes familles de virages Les virages à la main Les virages « culbutes » Il est indispensable de bien apprendre le virage à la main avant le virage culbute. C'est ce virage qui doit être pratiqué dans les premiers groupes d'entraînement jusqu'à ce que le...

Les départs en natation course

Il y a les départs plongés de crawl, de brasse, de papillon et le départ dans l'eau du dos. Pour les départ plongés, c'est le départ accroché, de l'anglais « grab start », qui est uniformément appliqué parce qu'il permet une mise en action très rapide. Il est...

Les départs et les virages

Les départs et les virages sont souvent négligés pendant les premières années d'entraînement. Il est important de prendre de temps à l'entraînement sur les départs et les virages pour faire progresser nos nageurs que de se consacrer exclusivement à l'aspect physique....

Qu’est-ce que le surentraînement ? « Triathlon « 

Qu'est-ce que le surentraînement ? Le triathlon est une passion, souvent dévorante. En règle générale, les triathletes se prennent au jeu de la comparaison des distances et des temps, pour leurs propres performances comme pour celles de leurs concurrents. Toujours...

Qu'est-ce que le surentraînement ? "Triathlon "

Qu'est-ce que le surentraînement ? Le triathlon est une passion, souvent dévorante. En règle générale, les triathletes se prennent au jeu de la comparaison des distances et des temps, pour leurs propres performances comme pour celles de leurs concurrents. Toujours...

Triathlon sprint pour intermédiaires

Triathlon SPRINT pour intermédiaires   Programme d'entraînement triathlon 12 semaines, Distance sprint,Niveau Intermédiaire Nombre d'heures hebdomadaire : 4-6 heures. Ce plan d'entraînement est établi de façon malléable à ce que chaque séance soit facile à...

Outils et Astuces