002 – Homéostasie
La composition de l'environnement interne est étroitement contrôlée, et cet état à peu près constant est appelé homéostasie. Définition : - Littéralement, ce terme signifie « ne changeant pas », mais en pratique il désigne une situation dynamique, constamment...
099- Les principaux préfixes et suffixes utilisés en anatomie et physiologie
Les principaux préfixes et suffixes utilisés en anatomie et physiologie Pour mieux comprendre le sens des mots. Les préfixes et les suffixes servent à former des mots par dérivation. Connaître leur sens permet de mieux comprendre la signification d'un mot. Préfixe...
Strength Training and Conditioning – CHOOSE YOUR SPORT
Choose your sport Gymnastics Hammer throw Long jump Middle distance Tennis Pentathlon Running Sprint Badminton Baseball Basketball Boxing Canoeing kayaking Cycling Diving Decathlon Discus throw Fencing Football Golf Handball...
Strength Training and Conditioning – BASKETBALL
BASKET-BALL Specific Strength and Conditioning Workout for Athletes | Training & Exercises|
Strength Training and Conditioning RUGBY
RUGBY Specific Strength and Conditioning Workout for Athletes
TRIPLE JUMP Strength Training and Conditioning TRIPLE JUMP
TRIPLE JUMP Specific Strength and Conditioning Workout for Athletes | Training & Exercises|
Strength Training and Conditioning – SPRINT
SPRINT Specific Strength and Conditioning Workout for Athletes | Training & Exercises|
Swimming : – History of drills
Swimming has been a part of the human experience throughout history. Little is known about the methods used by early civilizations to acquire swimming skills, but swimming is depicted in Egyptian and Assyrian art dating back to 2000 B.C. Probably originally learned...
Strength Training and Conditioning – Baseball
..players need to possess a variety of fitness capabilities to be successful. Cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, agility, power and strength are all desirable traits that can be developed with regular training. Strength training for badminton should be as sports...
Strength Training and Conditioning – Badminton
BADMINTON Specific Strength and Conditioning Workout for Athletes | Training & Exercises| Try these progressions and build your way up to the full workouts. Here are specific workouts. For each workout I’ve included a couple ideas on modifications. Start with what...
Strength Training and Conditioning – DIVING
DIVING Specific Strength and Conditioning Workout for Athletes | Training & Exercises|
Strength Training and Conditioning GOLF
GOLF Specific Strength and Conditioning Workout for Athletes | Training & Exercises|
The Triathlete’s Training Bible
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Triathlon Swimming Made Easy
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Triathlon Insider Secrets Tips From the Pros to Help You Shave Time Off Your Next Triathlon
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Triathlon Data-Driven Performance Training
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Become an Ironman
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Triathlètes Functional Strength | Exercises for Top Performance
€ 9.00