Pro Level Foundational training Macrocycle 1

Pro Level Foundational training Macrocycle 1

  • Weeks 1-6 of Macrocycle 1 for Foundational training.
  • This is a twice a week resistance program.
  • Do 5-10 minutes of a dynamic warm-up.
  • Complete in supersets of 2-3 exercises with 60 seconds rest between exercises.
  • Rest 1-2 minutes between sets.

Barbell Bulgarian Split Squat

1. Start by placing a barbell on your shoulders.
2. Place your back foot on a bench with your other leg out in front of you.
3. Proceed into a squat position by lowering your hips straight down.
4. Return to the starting position and repeat for the suggested repetitions.
5. Repeat with the other leg.

Barbell Incline Chest Press

1) Lie back onto incline bench (45° or less) with feet flat on floor.
2) Position hands on bar wider than shoulder width or lower the unloaded bar to upper chest (where collar bone and sternum joins) and position grip to where forearms are perpendicular to the floor.
3) Start position: Lift bar off rack with bar directly over head.
4) Lower bar to upper chest (where collarbone and sternum joins)
5) Press bar up to starting position.

Zercher Good Mornings

1. Stand in an upright position and place a barbell in the crease of your elbows. Bend your arms to less than 90 degrees to create this crease.
2. Holding the barbell in your arms bend forward at the waist to about 45 degrees.
3. Stand back up to an upright position and repeat. Remember to keep your legs straight throughout the movement.

Lying Hamstring Curl

1) Lie face down on bench with pad adjusted to fit behind ankles. If machine does not angle upper torso downward, it is recommended that a pillow be placed underneath stomach.
2) Start position: Position knees below bottom edge of bench or pad. Legs should be straight with knees aligned to the lever arm axis of motion and hands grasping handles or side of bench (if applicable).
3) Raise lever arm by flexing at the knees past 90°.
4) Return to start position.
5) Remember to keep hips in contact with bench at all times. Do not hyperextend the low back during movement.

Two Arm Military Press

Stand upright holding two kettleballs.
Start position: Position kettleballs to ear level with an overhand grip (palms facing forward).
Press hands up and out laterally above head keeping wrists over the elbows and arms moving parallel to body at all times. Return to start position.
Remember to keep back and head straight in a neutral position – hyperextension or excessive flexion may cause injury.

Dumbbell Curl (one arm)

1) Stand with feet shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent or sit in upright position.
2) Start position: Grasp DB’s with underhand grip (palms facing forward) and allow arms to hang down at sides. Elbows should be close to sides.
3) Flex at the elbows and curl DB’s one at a time up to approximately shoulder level. Keep elbows close to sides throughout movement. Return to start position.
4) Remember to keep back and head straight in a neutral position throughout movement. Shoulders should be stabilized by squeezing shoulder blades together slightly – only the elbow joint should be moving.

Bench Dip

1) Sit upright on bench and place hands hip width apart with fingers pointing forward. Place feet flat on opposite bench with legs straight.
2) Start position: Slide glutes off bench with elbows slightly bent.
3) Lower body by bending at elbows until elbows are at 90 degree angle.
4) Return to start position.

Standing Machine Calf Raise

1) Step into provided shoulder pads. Adjust lever arm so that plates do not touch when lowering the weight.
2) Stand with feet hip width apart or stand on the edge of a step on the balls of feet with heels hanging over edge. Toes should be pointing forward.
3) Contract calves by pushing off balls of feet to raise heels up in air (standing on toes)
4) Lower heels and repeat.
5) Remember to keep knees slightly bent throughout movement to prevent any knee strain. Adjust weight load accordingly.

Front Pulldown

1) Adjust seat or knee pad height so that knees are secured while seated.
2) Grasp bar with a overhand grip wider than shoulder width apart and sit with knees secured in pads.
3) Start position: Fully extend arms with elbows facing out with back straight (you may lean back at hips approximately 5°-10°).
4) Pull bar down to upper chest area and squeeze shoulder blades together at end of movement.
5) Return to start position.
6) Remember to keep torso stationary throughout movement.

Double Leg Pressouts

1. Start by lying on your back with your knees towards your chest and your arms flat on the ground.
2. Keeping your back flat throughout the movement kick your legs out and away until they are almost straight.
3. Bring your legs back in and repeat for the required number of repetitions.
4. If you are unable to keep your back flat on the floor throughout the movement shorten the distance that your legs extend until you get stronger.


1. Start position: Lie back onto floor or bench with knees bent and hands behind head. Keep elbows back and out of sight. Head should be in a neutral position with a space between chin and chest.
2. Leading with the chin and chest towards the ceiling, contract the abdominal and raise shoulders off floor or bench.
3. Return to start position.
Remember to keep head and back in a neutral position. Hyperexten
sion or flexion of either may cause injury.